Friday, July 17, 2009

Items on the To Buy list:

1. Frames
2. Wood Beads
3. Home Decor Fabric
4. Pellon
5. Rotary Blade

And I imagine a few more items will just become a HAVE TO BUY item when I hit up JoAnn's next week. Thanks to their Coupon Commotion week Sunday July 19th-Saturday July 25thI should be able to get all this for a fraction of the cost. I'm so excited!!! I tried to find the flyer on-line, but didn't have any luck. If I find it, I'll post it...otherwise I hope you get their coupons in the mail.

1 comment:

  1. Is it crazy that coupons made me excited?? (Peltex Pellon #70- just to remind you:) 71 or 72 are fusible, sturdier, but cost more)
